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2023 - 2024 Prompt

What does Saving Dr. Warren... "A True Patriot," teach America about the importance of being patriotic? How could you, or the community you live in benefit from more patriotism?



  • Open to kids ages 11-18

  • Past years' winners are not eligible for following years' submissions


  • Approximately 500-1,000 Words

  • Double-spaced, Times New Roman

  • When submitted electronically it must be a Word Document or PDF

  • Include a cover page with:

    • Full Name​

    • Email Address

    • Grade Level

    • School Name & School Address

    • Name of School Teacher Who Oversaw The Writing Process (This may include parents who homeschool their children)

       *Link to Cover Page Form


  • Must include examples, events and characters from the novel Saving Dr. Warren... "A True Patriot"

  • Must relate patriotism to your personal life (the use of current events is encouraged) 

  • Adherence to guidelines and carefully proofread (good grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.)

  • Submitted on or before the DEADLINE March 5


  • Steve O'Dell Award ($500)

    • Best Overall Essay

  • Grace Levy Award ($250)

    • Closely Tied To Personal Examples Of Patriotism

  • Lee Warren Award ($100)

    • Closely Tied To Examples of Patriotism From The Stories In The Novel





Good Luck! 


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